Blessings on Hope Road

Bonus Episode

Joe Boyles Season 1

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Join Joe, Kelly and Ashlyn as they discuss Muddy Pup Co and how it was named and the idea came about. 
If you are interested in ordering any coffee or other items go to

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Bonus Episode

Kelly: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Blessings on Hope Road podcast, where we talk about life, family, and what it all looks like through the lens of our walk with God as we step into our calling as his children.

Welcome to Blessings on Hope Roads Bonus episode. 

Ashlyn: We like bonus episodes free. Things are fun. Everybody likes free. 

Kelly: Okay, so. We've had a couple of questions come about. We've mentioned Joe drinking Muddy Pup Coffee, and we've mentioned that we have a company that's called Muddy Pup, having some right now.

Oh. Oh, it's iced. 

Ashlyn: Mm-hmm. Could you be a little quiet still? Colombian, you slurping 

Joe: still? Colombian. 

Kelly: Still. Still love it. Still still one of your favorites? Mm-hmm. Um, and we've had some people ask about it. So number one, we wanted to tell you where you can go if you'd like to order some. Because it is one of our companies.

Yes. So you can go [00:01:00] to muddy Dot com and we have all of our coffees on there, plus some other stuff. 'cause we're more than just coffee. Mm-hmm. We sell other stuff. Yes. Um, so feel free, go there, buy something. But people have asked us in the past, where do we come up with Muddy Pop and where did Muddy Pop come from?

So glad you asked. So 

Ashlyn: came outta my brain hole. 

Kelly: Uhhuh. So we were gonna kind of explain a little bit about where Muddy Pup came from and the OG logo. We have a new logo that just came out like a month ago. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That we designed. But the OG logo, Ashlyn actually designed herself. I drew 

Ashlyn: it on a pumpkin.

You did? You drew it on a 

Kelly: pumpkin For Halloween. I had 

Ashlyn: gone to. A pumpkin patch with a friend and we got these little pumpkins to paint because carving pumpkins is a lot of work. And even though I claim to be an amateur master at that, 

Kelly: yeah, you're pretty good. You have some pretty good ones. Um, [00:02:00] 

Ashlyn: I was not about that, so it was like, I'm gonna paint a little pumpkin and I drew a, basically a pencil outline.

A single line Yeah. Of a dog head with the ear and the nose and, and it's a lab neck and all. Yeah. And it's supposed to look like a retriever and it got adopted as our logo. As 

Kelly: our logo. Yeah. 

Ashlyn: So that's, I would like to say I created the logo and the name al by my lonesome. So yeah. So some 

Kelly: of our, um, apparel that we sell has the OG logo on it and we're still gonna continue to sell that 'cause we love the OG logo.

But we did create a new logo, um, Like I said, we sold more than coffee, but people wanna know where the name came from. So 

Ashlyn: is it my turn to take over 

Kelly: again? I think you're probably gonna have to take over it 'cause this kind of comes from you. Like, we decided to create this company and we sat Oh, this was 

Ashlyn: before the coffee even.

Yeah. Came about. So I I was in what, like eighth grade? No, I think you were younger than that. Seventh grade, eighth grade. Yeah. Somewhere around there. And because it was during [00:03:00] Covid. Well, we got Bailey during Covid. Yeah. A little bit after I got. Very bored and decided that I was gonna learn how to make a dog bandana.

And I did. And I made Bailey one and mom was like, well, you know, you could probably sell those. And we know how 13 year olds are at applying themself to things, right. They're not good. So, but I was all about it. I sat down and I was like, okay, I'm gonna do this. Um, and I was up in, what was the play? Room at our old house.

Yeah, at our old house. Um, minding my business at my desk late one night, and mom and dad were downstairs watching something on tv and I'm trying to decide like, what am I gonna call this? Like, I, I was trying to like figure out like some cute name, like the Salty Dog. 'cause we love the beach or that's taken, uh, muddy Polls is taken, uh, muddy Dog is taken.

[00:04:00] So I'm trying to like, Figure something out. Right. And I, I just had this thought cross my mind like, what about Muddy Pup? I was like, yeah, well lemme look. That doesn't exist. So that's what I was gonna call my dog bandana business was muddy p toe. Right. And have the dog cat as my logo. That never 

Kelly: happened.

Yeah, we still do make bandanas and we do and uh, bow ties for dogs. If you order a custom 

Ashlyn: one, I'll make it for you and have it shipped the next 

Kelly: day. Yeah, she's true story. But either way. So Muddy Pup, we have to say where Muddy Pup came. So you have to go back to Bailey. Yeah. Didn't Bailey 

Ashlyn: didn't just pop up.

Pop. Yeah, it was, 

Joe: there's a whole story behind Muddy Pup. 

Kelly: There's a whole story behind that. 

Ashlyn: So my wonderful dog, God bless her, love her to death. I do. I was so excited about getting the dog and what, what was it? First day we had her, 

Kelly: yeah. 


Ashlyn: much. It was pretty early on. Pretty, pretty. One of the first few days she was home with us.

We had taken her on a walk and it had rained because we got her in March. [00:05:00] Yeah. During Covid. Yeah. March. And Maryland is not exactly what we call 

Kelly: No dry. No, it's not. So we had like one puddle 

Ashlyn: in our front yard. In our front yard. It was always wet. Always wet. It 

Kelly: was, yeah. It was the ditch. It was the ditch was the drainage.

It went to the culvert. Yeah. 

Ashlyn: And so we took her for a walk and it was me and you and dad. Mm-hmm. I don't remember if Braden was there or not. Mm-hmm. But we were on a little walk. I was trying to get her leash trained. 'cause I was like, I'm gonna do that early. And she's good on a leash. She's fine. Yeah. Um, I was like, I'm gonna get her started early and dad was like, all right, well I'm, we're almost back to the house.

Let her off the leash. So I was like, okay, whatever. And I let her off. She made a beeline for the puddle and me being 13 when we got her. Was screaming at her. 

Kelly: Like, meanwhile, Joe and I are laughing our heads off, they are 

Ashlyn: in hysterics. I think it's the funniest thing. I'm like, Bailey, Bailey do nine. Don't you [00:06:00] dare.

And what did she do? She jumped right in that puddle. Yes. She jumped red. She 

Kelly: rolled around. Rolling was so hot. Now we have to explain. Bailey is a red lab. Yes. So 

Ashlyn: they love mud, they love water, they love, I was irritated because when we brought her home, I gave her a bath. Yes. As soon as we brought her in the house, I'd just given her a bath.

Take one. 

Kelly: Yeah. So she had to give her another bath. But that kind of, that kind of, um, 

Ashlyn: set the tone for how things were gonna be with her, set 

Kelly: the tone for that. So that's how Muddy Pup kind of came about, and that's how when we decided to start this company mm-hmm. Um, we knew that it was gonna be more than just the bandanas and just, The coffee.

Mm-hmm. So it's kind of a bunch of stuff. It kinda entails a bunch of 

Ashlyn: stuff. Um, well, I know Dad had actually suggested Muddy Pup Coffee Company and immediately was like, no, 

Kelly: no, we're not doing that. No. I was like, it's more than coffee. We're not doing that. [00:07:00] It's totally more than coffee. So did you see how they drew me 

Joe: come up with an idea?


Ashlyn: no. I wasn't a part. I, I was like, Hey, whatever. No, I remember actually when. They took the logo. 'cause I was so convinced I was gonna do the bandana, the bandana thing. Yeah. I was actually butt hurt when you guys were like, can we use the logo? Are you gonna be okay if we use the, the name? I was, and you guys don't know this.

I don't remember that part. I don't 

Kelly: remember 

Ashlyn: that part part either. You guys had asked me stat. It was when, um, dad was off work. Okay. For a stretch of time. Yeah. Um, he was sitting down at the table one day. He was like, are are you like. I was like, like, are you good if we use this's? Like I know you kind of came up with it.

Are you good? And I was like, yeah. 'cause I, I didn't wanna say no, you guys are mom and dad. But deep down I was like, but that was my thing. 

Kelly: But we, we combined it all. No. And I quickly got over that. Yeah. And we do still sell the bandanas and we created bow ties too for boy dogs. [00:08:00] So they have bow ties. If you don't 

Ashlyn: wanna be a, an opportunity, I was looking for an opportunity to be offended.

Yes, you were. I, dude that you were, during that time in my life, everything was an opportunity to be offended. Yes. 

Kelly: Everything was. Yes. It was a very difficult time. So, but uh, yeah. So that's how Muddy Pop kind of came about. Yeah. Um, oops. With our Bailey girl,

Ashlyn: So, yeah. 

Joe: And now we have two red 

Kelly: labs. Yeah. Now we have two siblings. Siblings. They're actually 

Joe: siblings. Yes. They're legitimately blood siblings. 

Kelly: Yeah. So Remington. Yeah. So now we have a handful because two Red labs, a bug bite. Two red labs is a handful. Sorry. 

Joe: Yes. Especially one. One of them is the size of a horse.

Kelly: I'm 

Ashlyn: pretty sure little kids could ride it. One is the size of the horse, the other one is the size of a pony. Mm-hmm. 

Kelly: So accurate. [00:09:00] But we love 'em. We love 'em to death. So they are our muddy pups, so that name is not gonna go away. Um, but our new logo actually has a red lab head on it, so it does. Mm-hmm. It looks like a red lab.

'cause I wanted to be sure that we included them. Um, and there'll be some new stuff coming out with the new logo on it soon. So working on that. But like I said, you can go to Muddy pup co, so M U D d Y P U P C and oh 

Joe: one stretch, new spaces, new capitals, 

Kelly: muddy Pup Co. And we have listed all of our coffee.

So our coffee, um, is locally roasted. Yeah, on the eastern shore of Maryland, 

Joe: locally roasted. It's not grown here. No. It's from around the world. Which is good that that's say, I would hope not, just so you know that that's for your benefit, but it is actually flown in from all 

Kelly: over the world. Yeah. Um. And the roaster we, we work with, um, has a ten four initiative.

So 10% of their, they get back to farmers. Their proceeds, they give back to the, [00:10:00] to the farmers. So, which is awesome because these farmers, um, are in areas where it's underprivileged. They do not make a lot, they don't make a lot of money. So it's a good thing. Poverty. Yeah. A lot of poverty stricken countries.

So, um, It's a lot for these growers. So 

Joe: Well, and coffee's intensive. Yes. It's an intensive process. It's not something you plant and you get a yield and this is just your cycle. Like they are actual like trees. Yeah. 

Kelly: It takes like minimum five years. Right? 

Joe: It's a five year turnaround. By the time you And coffee's also very finicky.

Yeah. So not only do you have a five year wait time, but you also have a plant that is super picky. Mm-hmm. In soil and. What it needs. It's very high maintenance. Yeah. Coffee is, coffee plans are extremely high 

Kelly: maintenance and that's why all the coffee tastes, it has different tasting notes, taste wherever it it comes from.

Yeah. Soil is, yeah, 

Joe: air quality, the amount of sunlight it gets, all those things factor into, and that's stuff that I learned, you know, [00:11:00] talking to our roaster. This isn't something that I was a coffee geek and studied up on. Right. Like this is something that. People who I thought I had a passion for coffee, they have even more passion than they taught me.

Yeah, they definitely do. Um, which is pretty 

Kelly: phenomenal. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's pretty cool. So any, any coffee that we have right now available, um, is on our website. Um, we do get seasonal blends in, so like right now, summer's on there. Yeah. Summer. Yep. Uh, fall be coming out in the fall. So we have 

Joe: pretty consistent ones.

I mean, and it goes in rotation. Yeah. On avail. 'cause obviously there are different seasons and depending on what hemisphere they're in and what location. Yeah. Um, literally, yes, it's roasted locally, but I mean it's, we have everything that you would expect from any coffee shop. I mean, we've got stuff from Columbia, Papa, new Guinea, we've got stuff from Honduras, Rwanda, Ethiopia, um, right now, well you are Columbia.

I'm drinking nonstop. Yeah. Um, [00:12:00] Sumatra. 

Kelly: Yeah. So we have, you know, and then there's the blends. Yeah. And we have light roast. We have a few medium roasts and some dark roast. Um, yeah, two darks. So 

Joe: that, uh, a couple medium. Most everything is, is light. Is light. Um, yeah. And just to go ahead and coffee geek out on you for a minute.

Um, for those of you listening who do like coffee, um, Like coffee is where you, if you hear like coffee and think, ah, I don't want light. I want something dark. I want something fully caffeinated. Um, just so you know, dark roast, and I learned this again from our roasters coffee people. Um, yes, coffee people.

Uh, the darker the roast, uh, typically the less caffeine it Caffeine it has. Yeah. It's the lighter the roast, the more caffeine it has. That's why your morning blends are light roasts. Yes. Yeah. Um, it's to perk you up and get you going a darker roast, that's what you want to drink. So like one of our darker roasts that we just started carrying a few months ago is we called it front [00:13:00] porch.

Yep. Um, just because it's, it's. Dark, but it's really smooth. It's just a really nice cup of coffee. Mm-hmm. And it just, that's the cup of coffee I go to. Like if we get done eating dinner and I wanna sit out on the porch and just kind of chill out for a little while, that's what I'm brewing. That's what I'm drinking.

Yeah. And it also doesn't have a boot load of caffeine, so I'm not going to be up for half the night. Right. Staring at the ceiling thinking, why did I do that? Because apparently once you turn 43, that's a 

Kelly: thing. Yeah, apparently so. But yeah, that's a little bit about our coffee, about our company that people have been asking about.

Um, you know, and we're always happy if you have questions, just contact us. Yes. Um, so we have that email, but we also have our blessings on Hope Road email. So, you know, we have Muddy Mm-hmm. If you have coffee questions. Um, but we also do have blessings on Hope Mm-hmm.

You know, if you ever wanna reach out to us and contact us, we're [00:14:00] more than happy to answer any questions you have. Yes. Yeah. So, or if you need prayers or anything like that, just let us know, but we just kind of wanna just touch base and. Kind of explain it 'cause we've had those questions pop up. 

Joe: Yeah, I know we've mentioned Muddy Pup a few times and it tends to be, yeah.

Hey, what the heck 

Kelly: is that? And we kind of explained, you know, blessings on Hope Road, where that came from. Yeah. Like you sitting on the side of Hope Road and I. Having to come to Jesus, having to come to Jesus, literally. Mm-hmm. So, and all the blessings that came. And literally we, at the time we lived right down the road from Hope Road, it was right around the corner, so we were on Hope Road a lot.

Yes. Mm-hmm. 

Ashlyn: Hope Road was an everyday, twice a day occurrence. Yeah. So, 

Kelly: um, minimum, yeah. Yeah. Most days. Um, so that, that is a true road. That is a true. Thing and the blessings that came from Mm. Joe finding Christ on that road 

Ashlyn: and, and actually we still technically live right around the corner. We do [00:15:00] from the other end of Hope Rock.


Kelly: Yeah, 

Joe: exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Quite literally the other end. Yep. Yeah. So, but now you know where Muddy Pup came from. Yeah. Yeah. Now you know where Blessings came from and we hope you are. Caffeinated and blessed. And if 

Kelly: you're not caffeinated, contact 

Ashlyn: us. I would like to know how you do it. Please.

Could you give me a how to guide on how to live life, unc Caffeinated. I would like to 

Kelly: know, I may, I may be co-owner of a coffee company, 

Ashlyn: however, she doesn't like coffee or drink it. She doesn't even like the smell of it. She can't stand coffee. 

Kelly: I'm a hot chocolate fiend. Um, through and through. So, yeah, I, I've 

Ashlyn: told them like doesn't, like it's not just coffee, it's caffeine.

She doesn't do 


Kelly: I doesn't really, I don't do 

Joe: caffeine. Doesn't, that's not accurate. You are not a hot chocolate fiend. Okay? You are a chocolate milk Yes, fiend. [00:16:00] Because I watch you go large periods of time 

Kelly: without hot chocolate. Hot chocolate. Yeah. No, you're right. But I, but chocolate milk is 

Ashlyn: every day.

Chocolate milk. Gotta have 

Kelly: a morning chocolate milk. Okay, so chocolate milk, hot chocolate, and frozen chocolate. Those are like my things, like I'm in my happy place. You're t see, I'm 

Joe: trying to simplify it for you. Coffee. One thing I 

Ashlyn: will pour coffee over ice cream for you. So 

Kelly: what most people don't realize 

Ashlyn: though is called No, you should try it.

No, I know I hadn't. 

Kelly: What'd you forget? 

Ashlyn: I was talking to the listeners. I know you're funny. I know you're 

Kelly: not gonna try. No, I actually told dad to fix, not really. He fixed one the other day. 

Joe: How was it? Was it good? Yeah, but I should have done it with, I didn't do it with espresso. He didn't do it with espresso.

I just did it with regular coffee. Don't do that. So it was just, it was kind of alright. I was like slightly underwhelmed. Um, you gotta do it with a shot of espresso, but I do wanna draw a shot of espresso and yeah, I wanna pull a shot. That's good. It's really good. And pour that over. I might do that when we get done recording.

Ashlyn: You can make coffee float too. It's like a root beer float, but cooler. [00:17:00] 

Kelly: No. Yes. So if you wanna know how to make coffee, drinks, my daughter's the one to go to. Hi. 

Ashlyn: She, she may text send me an email. She, and maybe don't do that. I don't check my 

Kelly: email. She, she 

Joe: doesn't check her email. Yeah. We had a discussion about that.

Kelly: Anyway, but she can create, she creates some, uh, concoctions that I don't even know how to say. Speaking 

Ashlyn: of concoctions, can we touch on the strawberry latte? 

Kelly: I know you love that thing right now. Look, right now you, 

Ashlyn: Lauren. It's my favorite coffee that I've ever 

Kelly: tried. Well, I know, and you made it for Lauren the other day.

I, and she loved it. Like every, okay, 

Ashlyn: shout out to Lauren. We love you. People tendency have a tendency to hear fruit and coffee and they go, Ew. Obviously you've, I know, I know obviously you spent a lot of time at a Starbucks or a Dunkin where they serve you ashtray water. No hate to either of those things, but if you do not cover them up in 18 pounds of sugar, It tastes similar to what ashtray will.


Kelly: When you have fresh coffee, like all I've heard from you guys is when you have freshly ground. Yes. Fresh coffee. It is amazing. And that's what we [00:18:00] do. 

Ashlyn: Uh, for reference, JB is holding his cup above his head and angeling. Oh, 

Joe: for the record though, I'm the last, but the reason you need to contact Ashlyn about concoctions and drinks is because my coffee consists of coffee.

He's been through espresso class coffee. And so I drink my coffee black, and when I want to mix it up, I fill my cup with ice and then pull my coffee over black and drink it cold instead of hot. You're welcome. 

Kelly: Yeah. Ashton's our barista 

Ashlyn: around here, but people hear fruit and coffee. Now you don't wanna go with like a dark blend.

Yeah, you, I wouldn't go with our Sumatra and put strawberry in it. Yeah, no, this is gonna be delicious. 'cause it's not, you have to go with a lighter blend if, especially if it has fruitier notes and espresso blend works too. But if it has fruitier notes to it, it's gonna be a beautiful chef's kiss. Yeah.


Joe: just try. So what did you, what did you make the strawberry drink with for Lauren? Was it as, would you pull a shot of espresso into it? Yeah. Or did you, oh, okay. Yeah, [00:19:00] she pulled a shot of espresso. I think that was, I can't remember what blend I put in the espresso machine. I think you said it was summer.

I think it was, I think I had summer, I had just a little bit left and it 

Ashlyn: wasn't enough. I, I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't had one that's this, that morning and it wasn't. 

Kelly: Yeah. Good. And then she had, she put oat milk in it. 

Ashlyn: So I did whole milk and oat milk. Yeah, you did a combination. Because while oat milk steams very well, it doesn't froth very well.

Right. So if you do mostly, um, this is where I get coffee, Kiki. If you do mostly whole milk, allow that to froth and you pour the oat milk in it and let it steam for a little bit and then froth it again. It makes a beautiful mixture of a frothed steamed. Delicious. Yeah. Latte milk makes my heart happy. But if you're gonna try that, make sure you put the syrup oat windows with any kind of drink, especially if it's iced.

Mm-hmm. Put the syrup over the ice before you put the coffee and the milk in there. Otherwise it's going straight to the bottom. And that's all. You'll suck up. Yeah. [00:20:00] Yeah. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Kelly: So yes, that's, we need to put that concoction on Instagram. 

Ashlyn: Yes, I will give you a step-by-step recipe. Also, if you've never tried a brown sugar and oak shaken espresso, oh. If you have cold foam on it, that's wonderful. But we do not have a cold foam machine here. No. So froth milk, if you have a little handheld froth, there you go.

In the cough air, in the coffee, in the milk. It's so good. You shake your espresso with the brown sugar and the oat milk in it. It's so good. 

Kelly: Okay, so we'll put, uh, those two up on Instagram. So if you follow us on Instagram at Muddy PCO on Instagram, we'll put those up. So 

Joe: definitely. And for those of you who drink your coffee, black, stay strong.


Ashlyn: friends, I do like black coffee. I just like messing with stuff. [00:21:00] I 

Joe: like to try stuff. No, and I do. Every once in a while I do. I like, I like to have one of your concoctions. 'cause you're good at it. So they're tasty, they're good. But sorry, not just stick with 

Ashlyn: simple. There is a special place in my heart for black coffee.

Yeah, especially in the wintertime, sitting down in the morning with a cup of black coffee because that's all, that's all I drank when I was younger because that's all dad drank. So that was obviously the only way to drink coffee when I was alive. That's, I'm trying to tell you, hasn't changed. Yeah. But then I found out about lattes and cappuccinos and frappuccinos and frass and macchiatos and mochas and all the delicious stuff, and I was like, 

Kelly: yeah, she has to have at least one a day, if not two.

Ashlyn: Typically I get halfway three quarters of the way through my second one. Mm-hmm. If I'm lucky I get to a third one and then I forget about it. Yeah. I start my day 'cause I'm all energized and feel like hammy from over the head like, but I like a cookie and start doing 

Joe: something I forget about. 'cause that at that point you've had [00:22:00] enough caffeine to 

Ashlyn: kill a small army.

Good lord. Yeah. 

Kelly: That's a lot. 

Ashlyn: So that's why we Okay. Side brand. Mom and I, we, I don't even know how we got on the subject the other day on the way home from skating. We talking about, I'm trying to figure out what's happening right now. No, we were talking about things you can and can't have when you're pregnant.

And I was, because I got, 'cause I saw a video of a woman who right after she had her baby, she made her husband go get her sushi. I was like, can you not have sushi when you're pregnant? Mom was like, no. And then I was like, okay, well what else can't you have? She's like, lunch, meat, this, that, like too much fish, too much like, like this, that and the other have to worry about mercury and all that.

Can you have coffee when you're pregnant? And she's like, In moderation. I was like, moderation. I don't know how to do coffee in moderation. What do you mean?

Joe: See? One of the perks of being the husband. Yeah. Because we get to have extra coffee to help deal. [00:23:00] 

Ashlyn: Nice. Look, I'm going to shameless plug our coffee. My beautiful wonder. Wonderful tropical fish of a boyfriend. That did not like coffee. Could not stand in coffee. Hated it. Why did you 

Joe: just call your boyfriend?

But beautiful, wonderful. Tropical fish. Tropical 

Ashlyn: fish. 

Joe: If I could think of any critter to describe Travis Tropical fish. 

Kelly: Tropical fish was not, one of 

Ashlyn: them is not on that list. So I was watching a crime documentary one time as I do, and the interviewer. So she was interviewing somebody and she said something, it's like a dumb blonde moment or something, and she was like, oh, you beautiful tropical fish.

It's like a, not necessarily an, it was kind of one of like, like us saying, bless your heart, basically is what that was. So I kind of adopted that and I like calling people beautiful tropical fish because then they look at you like, what did you just call me anyway? Right. Anyway. Diverting back to my side rant.

Shameless self pluck boyfriend. [00:24:00] Could not stand coffee. Hated it. Thought it was disgusting. Bless his heart. He was raised on Folgers, so the poor soul. And then he tried our coffee when we were on vacation. He had himself a beautiful cup of black coffee every morning and even went so far as to make me coffee.


Kelly: Wow. Like, 

Joe: I wish somebody would make me coffee. 

Kelly: I wouldn't make it. Right. Because, you know, I don't do coffee. I'm just playing. I'm just naturally the Energizer Bunny. I'm just naturally, why don't drink anything to help me. Okay. 

Joe: Energetic. We're let's, we're just gonna, mm-hmm. No, this is wisdom. 25 years of wisdom says abort.

Abort run away from that was There's a red light 

Ashlyn: that's like, yeah. You know the thing from inside out where they like go inside the man's head, there's a little bait on flashing bait. There's the screen and it's a bunch of like the little angers, like they're all running around in his head, [00:25:00] like the red lights and the sirens are going 


Joe: Yeah. We're not touching that one mission board. Stop that. Yeah. Not happening. Okay. Moving on. All right. 

Ashlyn: Moving on. Lighting fire. I think that pretty well. 

Kelly: Ashton could go all night. I could. 

Ashlyn: I told you I'm a firecracker right now. 

Kelly: All right. Well, we're gonna go ahead, we're gonna wrap this one up because we know you guys, hopefully that answers the questions that a few of you guys had, um, about where.

You can get Muddy Pub and wear, 

Ashlyn: you should invest it. It's, it's a good investment. 

Kelly: The name came from, 

Joe: it's delicious. So it is, and I'm not just saying that, I'm not just saying that because I would not sell a coffee, I would not expect people to drink a coffee that I don't like, but I'm, yeah, I'm telling you this, and it, it's, it's all, it's not what we do.

It's our roasters. Yeah. Yeah. Like the time that they take and the dedication to [00:26:00] finding what works best with every single harvest that they take in. Yeah. Every bean that comes through there is a 

Ashlyn: thing. And working with the farmers personally. Oh yeah. Beauty a big deal. It's a thing 

Kelly: of beauty. Yeah, it definitely is.

So they do a great job and. We like to pass it on to you guys. Um, 

Ashlyn: that's why we're doing it. They're so close with their farmers 'cause it's so good. We were there one time and the dude got a call from one of their farmers in Haiti. Yeah. Yeah. They coming. He's like, yeah, I have to take this. Hold on. Yeah.

He came back. He was like, that was one of our, that was one of our growers from Haiti. I was like a first name basis with these people. Okay. 

Kelly: Yeah. They go out there, they see 'em. Yeah. You know, it's awesome. Awesome. It's awesome. So yes. All right guys. Well thanks for joining us for this little bonus bonus.

Hopefully you enjoyed it. Free stuff. 

Ashlyn: This was all about, it's a free bonus episode. People love 

Kelly: free. Okay. Free bonus episodes. So all of our episodes are free. 

Ashlyn: I know, but some, some podcasts, how they make their money is they have a [00:27:00] Patreon where they do bonus episodes. So like there are different tiers.

It's kinda like a subscription box where like you can pay for. Certain amounts of things for a month. Anyway, we don't have one of those. We're gonna get there. Okay. 

Joe: We hope you enjoyed this. We do hope you enjoyed it. Little insight to one of the many things that we do. Um, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That pretty well sums 

Kelly: it up.

All right, we'll talk to you soon. Bye. 

Ashlyn: Bye. 

Kelly: Thanks for listening to the Blessings on Hope Road podcast. If you'd like to support the show, click on the link in the description and don't forget to follow the show to get notifications whenever there is new content.

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